Server Merge on the 27 February

We would like to announce that Ragnarok Arena will be undergoing server merge on 27 February 2023, from 1000 hrs (GMT +8) to 1900 hrs (GMT +8).

Please note that the game will not be accessible during the above-mentioned period. 

Guilds in servers affected by the merge will temporarily be unable to enter Guild Siege Wars from Saturday, 25 to 27 February. Do refer to the FAQ for more details.

Details of the merger will be as follows:

Ragnarok Arena Server Merge - Goblin, Hatii, Ifrit, Jakk

Ragnarok Arena Server Merge - Baphomet, Chimera, Deviruchi, Eremes, Flamel

Ragnarok Arena Server Merge - AngelingRagnarok Arena Server Merge - Katrinn, Lunatic

Please see our FAQ for more information:

Server Merge FAQ

QN: Will the in-game mails be gone after the server merge?

ANS: No, your mails will not be affected by the server merge.

QN: What if there is a duplicate player/guild name found after the server merge?

ANS: Duplicate Player/Guild names will be able to get a 1-time free name change after the server merge. Players will not be forced to change their names.

QN: What will happen to my chat records?

ANS: Chat records will be cleared, and the displayed server name will be changed to the new merged server name.

QA: How will the ranking system be affected?

ANS: Individual server rankings will be recalculated after totalling the merged servers' record; global server rankings will not be affected.

QA: What if I have an existing account on each of the servers which are going to be merged into the same one?

ANS: You will be able to access them separately on the server selection page.

QA: I am almost getting my 3-time consecutive champion on Pinnacle Arena, will it be reset?

ANS: Pinnacle Arena's consecutive champion records will be brought over to the updated merged server.

QA: How will Guild Siege be affected by the server merge?

ANS: Guild Siege cycle that is supposed to start on Saturday 25/02/2023 will not begin on that day but will start after the server merges on 27/02/2023 instead. Guild War and Pinnacle Arena cycle for that period will also only start after the server merge.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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